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Thank you, viewers, for sharing your testimonies of seeing Jesus and angels and your visits to the Kingdom of Heaven!  Your testimony is valued on earth and in heaven!  If you have a story to share and want to have a youtube interview with me, about your supernatural experiences in the Lord, contact me at!


Kingdomwalker Ministry was founded by Tina Schmidt, an artist who from a young age, had supernatural encounters with the Lord.  She became a baptized Christian at age 14 and pursued the Lord with a passion all her life.  As an artist by trade and a professional educator, (with degrees in medicine, ministry, the visual arts, and a doctorate's in Divinity, and a PhD), she came to the end of secular and religious pursuits to search for the authentic Jesus.  Her deep quests for truth did not go unrewarded.  She had several supernatural experiences with Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven and suffered through many life challenges.  These challenges also taught her to let go of this tangible life for something more eternal and rewarding.  These experiences deepened her relationship experience in Jesus Christ beyond the academic route of theology and moved her into the depth of the Spirit of the Lord.  Her earthly accomplishments and life struggles were nothing compared to the encounters with Jesus.  Discovering the authentic Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, she believes revival begins in the heart, mind, and soul of those who prepare the way for the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Savior of the world.   Spiritual warfare is one of the powers of God's gift to the faithful in Christ, along with healing, and the courage to share the gospel with those who believe.  

As sole proprietor with a vision that the Lord gave her from her encounters with the Lord throughout her life, she founded Kingdomwalker Ministry as an online ministry teaching and preaching the Gospel and the Love of Jesus Christ to those who seek his face and the Kingdom of God as instructed in I Chronicles 16:11 and Matthew 6:33 and to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth (Mark 16:15).  The ministry is designed to dispel the religious myths about our relationship with God and to break down the boundaries of the worldly and religious paradigms that block us from the full on face-to-face encounters with the Lord Jesus Savior.  


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History of Jesus in My Life

Born in 1961 in a very difficult and abusive home environment, Tina was a miracle child.  The good Lord Jesus had His eye on Tina and salvaged her from the earthly wreckage at age 13 when she was saved.  She later had a supernatural encounter with Jesus and felt the tangible expression of His love.  She was baptized at age 14 and was given a gift of the Spirit of discernment (I Corinthian 12:10).  This spiritual gift of the Holy Spirit helped Tina move away from home at 17 holding on the scripture, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13).    Along the way, this discerning gift of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 12:10) opened up the supernatural as Tina's journey in Christ lead her through the darkness of the soul and into the light of Christ.  Each serious challenge helped her to understand the truth of the Bible and the power of the Blood of Jesus and the Power of His name. Through power of the Word and the name of the Lord Jesus, The challenges she faced proved Jesus' dominion over all things, Tina overcame the many challenges of the Christian life, following the command of the Lord Jesus to  seek the Kingdom of God and its righteousness.  Tina continued to blaze a trail of successes in her career and turn tragedies of her life into testimonial victories in Christ Jesus who saw her through the seasons of challenge, helping her with his invisible hand and his mighty Word.   


In 1985, Tina was faced with the loss of her beloved brother who died at age 31.  Shortly after his death,  Tina had a supernatural experience of going to heaven and visited her brother.  In heaven he was well and healed and did not remember any of his suffering from earth.  Tina came back with the revelation of reality from that heavenly experience with a glimpse and a permanent imprint on her soul of Heaven.  Time is not what we think it is - and heaven's time is different from ours here on earth!   The Lord revealed to her that in God's Heavenly realm, in His Kingdom, there is only the eternal now.  Time and space are a convenience for us, to play out God's plan upon the earth.  The Lord also revealed that this mystery of time space will be revealed just before His return.  This only deepened her search for truth which she pursued throughout her life.  Shortly after the loss of her brother, she also lost her mother and remaining brother.   Jesus sustained her through the thick and thin, through the darkness and through the light.  As it says in Isaiah 9:2, "The people wo walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone."  Jesus remained as the Light of her life in all challenges, great and small. 


In 2005, Tina suffered from heart complications which left her exhausted and ill.  But in the seventh week of her intensive prayers, Jesus came and healed her.  In that healing, Tina saw the light of the Lord fall down from above and enter her chest and heal her heart.  She recovered fully and painted what she saw in the vision of Jesus after her healing (Jesus Portrait 2005).  The Lord remained permanently imprinted in her soul through vision and through the Word.  


In 2009-10, Tina had visitations from Angels and the Lord Jesus himself gave her the inspiration, the strength, and revelation she needed to continue on her journey in the Spirit of Christ Jesus fulfilling the scripture Psalm 32:8, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you."  


In 2013 Tina was diagnosed with cancer.   Her surgery was scheduled for six months later.  During that time, Tina was filled with joy at the opportunity to overcome a dreaded fear that had been buried deep inside her soul.  She had learned that the challenges we face hear on earth and overcome by the name and Blood of Jesus are recorded as victories in heaven.  Praying day and night in faith and victory, by 2014 after the surgery was performed, it was discovered that the cancer had mysteriously disappeared!   The Lord reveals himself as the Great Physician, the great Healer!  "He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities, upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His wounds, we are healed."  (Isaiah 53:5).  This experience was a blessing to her and a living testimony of the power of God.  Without the challenge, there would be no glory or victory to record for His glory.  Tina celebrated her victory as a joy for the Lord.


In 2015, Tina was taken to heaven and given a supernatural experience of seeing Jesus the Christ in His full glory on His glory throne.  This was to fulfill the word of the Lord and His promise in John 17:24.  His light and wisdom and power flowed outward from the highest heaven into all creation.  Tina saw the Christ and was bathed in His love and glory.  She saw Him face to face shining in His radiant eternal glory, the glory He had before the world was made.  This was the fulfillment of what Jesus prayed for those who follow Him as it says in John 17:24 when Jesus prayed to His Father, "Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I AM, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved Me before the creation of the world."  And also the fulfillment of the scripture that says in Matthew 11:27, "All things have been entrusted to Me by My Father.  No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and THOSE TO WHOM THE SON CHOOSES TO REVEAL HIM. This scripture reveals that Jesus can reveal Himself and His Father to those who believe.  Standing in the radiant glory of Jesus, every question she ever had was answered.  Jesus anointed her in His love and revealed to her His promises for her and showed her many things about her life and the future.  Upon return, Tina has been working with and unfolding that wisdom and knowledge from Jesus for many years.  


In 2019, Tina experienced medical challenges which brought to life for her the scripture that says in Isaiah 41:10:  "Fear not, for I AM with you; be not dismayed, for I AM your God' I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." And also Psalm 91:16, "He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.  He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you will find refuge, His faithfulness is a shield and buckler.  You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day..."  


In her challenges, she learned by experiencing the presence of the Lord that He is always faithful and always true and hears our prayers.  Jeremiah 29:12-14, "'Then you will call on me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,' declares the LORD, 'and will bring you back from capativity'".

​Christ Jesus reveals that He wants to make His dwelling place with us and in us as it says in John 14:23, "We will come to him and make Our dwelling [home] with him."  This is the intimate relationship the Lord seeks from us.  He wants us to fellowship with Him and be in His Presence continually.  The message pouring forth from the throne of the Lord is that God wants us to have a deep and profound relationship with Him.  John 15:4-7, she testifies and witnesses that God and Jesus are real and true and that there is a Kingdom of Heaven that awaits all who believe in the name of Jesus and call upon Him and walk in His Spirit.   The Lord revealed the purpose of our mission here on earth from the perspective of the Kingdom of Heaven.


Under the inspiration and power of the Lord, Tina opened her ministry, Kingdomwalker Ministries, to the public in 2022.  The purpose of the ministry is to educate, teach, empower, and prepare the children of God to live in victory and make way for the Savior and the coming Kingdom of God which becomes alive insde every heart who follows Christ Jesus into His Spirit .  Tina believes that putting God first and developing a loving one-on-one relationship with the Savior and walking in His Spirit, knowing the living Word, and flourishing in body, mind, soul, and spirit is what God wants us to have right now at this time in our labor on earth.  She believes wholeheartedly in preparing the Way for the Lord Jesus in the minds and hearts of men.



To the doubters and scoffers of the world, to the wicked who do evil and to those who are unbelievers, there is a judgment coming!  All the words of the Prophets and Jesus will come to pass!  Repent!  Turn from sin and believe in the Savior!  Seek the face of the Lord and the coming Kingdom!  Open your heart to the truth of the Savior and seek His face and His Kingdom! 


I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.   And if you believe in Jesus Christ and believe he is the Son of God and Savior of your soul, then you are in good company!  Testimonies of those who have seen Jesus, angels, and the coming Kingdom are widespread. 

We are not alone in our testimony!  "About Us" is about you and me and our faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior!  Testify of His existence and glory!




God is not dead.  His Holy Spirit is alive and continues to breath inspiration to the believers of Jesus Christ in these Last Days.  Jesus is real and he is the Savior who saves.  






CHECK OUT THESE EXAMPLES OF PEOPLE OF THE LORD, who have had supernatural encounters with Jesus, Angels, and/or the Kingdom of Heaven and were not shy about speaking out about their encounters with the Lord.  They have written books about their life and relationship with Jesus Christ, seen firsthand.  I list their names and books here for your further knowledge: 


Jennifer Bagnashi - saw Jesus more than once and experienced the punishment of the cross as well as the love of Jesus she met face to face.  The experience was so profound that Jennifer became a Christian talkshow host and has many thousands of followers as her profound interviews with people who have seen God are changing the world, drawing people back to the Lord.  Author of:  "I Saw Jesus Last Night."

Richard Sigmund, died in a tragic car accident, was taken to heaven and saw thousands of angels, Jesus, and the Kingdom of Heaven, and even was taken to the throne of God - returned miraculously after being dead over 8 hours and being wheeled down to the morgue, awakened while his very bones were being supernaturally knitted back together - and testified of his experience and his urgent message to the world .  Author of "My Time in Heaven"

Rebecca Ruter Springer, who was very ill and was dead for a few hours, came back to life to testify of her three year life in Heaven where she met Jesus and other relatives, and returned to write about it and share her afterlife experience with the world.

John G. Lake - a pastor who came into the supernatural with Jesus had a world wide ministry after encounters with Jesus - healing thousands upon thousands of people all over the world, continuing the power and inspiration of the revival of the movement of God throughout the world.  Lake's legacy as a commanding general of God's earthly army, continues today, drawing thousands of people to the Lord.

Smith Wigglesworth - a plumber by trade - turned into a believer in Christ when he experienced the power of God's supernatural healing.  He became one of the commanding general of God's ministry army on earth and ushered in the power of the Holy Spirit, reviving the world's thirst for God.

Many hundreds of thousands of people are having supernatural experiences, fulfilling the prophesy God said in Joel 2:28-30 and  Acts 2:17-19:

"I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions, even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.  I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth..."

The pastors above all have written books that can be readily available on Amazon. 

Others who have seen the Lord and lived to talk about it are posting their testimonies for the world to see.  

I am working on my own book to testify of my experiences with Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven.  As a witness for the Lord, I am glad to be in the company of such good servants of God who are not afraid to testify and share with the world, experiences in the Lord, the living power of the Holy Spirit, the Power of the Blood of Jesus, and the coming Kingdom of God!  Praise Jesus our Lord and Savior forever! - Amen!


Do you have a supernatural testimony of the power of Jesus in your life?  Would you would like to share? Contact me at






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